MUMBAI: MCX and NCDEX indices on Thursday emerged with new gains on the intense trading activity in agri contracts. MCX Comdex slightly up by 0.12 percent to 1843.38 while NCDEX FutexAgri went up by 0.23 percent to 1822.43.
MCX Agri added more gains in its early profits because of the heavy demand for the agri commodities. MCX Agri moved up by 10.73 percent to 1537.48 while NCDEX Agri dipped by 0.11 percent to 1891.93.
MCX Energy pared early losses in the intraday trade though remained down. MCX Energy down by 2.63 percent to 1937.64. Crude oil prices drastically declining in the international markets. The crude prices in the global market went below $45 today.
Base metal demand remained flat. MCX Metal index also has not shown any positive signals till closing session. MCX Metal down by 0.79 percent to 2086.41.
MCX top gainers: Potato, Crude Oil, Mentha Oil
NCDEX top gainers: Steel, Carbon Credit, Coriander, Pepper, Gold